Tuesday, May 1, 2012

HESUS JOY CHRIST / Matthew's Foretold Discussion of Verse Two


There's the website with all of it !!

Just search vid932008 on www.google.ca to see it come up first in the list.
On this site there are almost all the blog posts in an easily accessible non-linear format, as well as all the animation dating back to 2008, and most of the other artwork and poetry.

Since I get such a kick, still, out of blathering on about this stuff, I'm continuing on with the discussion of HESUS JOY CHRIST / Matthew's Foretold !!

 Verse 2    2 After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry.
from the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter Four, New International Version

 Verse 2   2 After feasting forty years and forty nights One was full.

from the text of the animation, HESUS JOY CHRIST / Matthew's Foretold
written by R David Foster

 Verse 2  Discussion    

 Jesus had reached a milestone – he had fasted and was hungry and had come to a turning point or point of decision.  He was ready to face life choices and make lasting decisions.  This was to be a landmark in his life.

 Likewise, the One has come to a landmark in its life.  Something has to be decided, which is mainly to stay the course or to correct the course, but things will not remain the same either way.  If One stays on the course it is on, it will continue with a greater resolve, but if it changes course, it will be with determination.

 It does not matter whether one has fasted or feasted – there will still be a completion to either fasting or feasting.  Obviously one could continue to fast, and let the completion be their death, and likewise one could continue to feast, and let the completion be their death.  But more likely one will come to a point where they will decide to continue or to change course in a life decision that will be made with determination.

After feasting forty years and forty nights One was full. 
 ( and the bottle was empty ! )
 Stepping back a bit, this sacred One relationship, Christlike, exists among the spouses as they balance whole and part, female and male, as Christ did with and in his life and ministry. But where Christ was one person, the One exists in the relationship of two people.  Just as Christ could act with his left or right, as a whole or as a part, the sacred One relationship acts as a male or a female, in unity with the other spouse, yet each has their own role to play.  If one is tempted, the One, the relationship is tempted.  If one overcomes temptation, the One overcomes temptation.  If one is full, the One is full, and at a turning point.  Yet if one succumbs to temptation, the One succumbs to temptation, and this takes the forgiveness of the other spouse if the sacred One relationship is to survive.  Yet God the Father, who is all powerful, oversees the existence of the One whether in a relationship or an individual, and will use both and either to fulfil His will, and see it accomplished.  It is like the parable of the talents, where the slave that buried his talent in the ground, not even banking it to earn interest, has it taken away from him and given to the slave who invested his talents and returned even more talents to his master.  If a sacred One relationship does not fulfil God's will it will be taken away to be bestowed elsewhere.  This is why the One was full – it had accomplished all that it could.  Likewise, Jesus was as empty as he could be, and ready to lay the foundation of his ministry.

 It is generally accepted that Jesus was about thirty years old when he began his public ministry.  He had probably experienced the death of his father, Joseph, and had settled into the trade of being a carpenter.  Yet all this had turned his attention to his heavenly Father, and compelled him to take up another task that would require all his efforts and consume his life.  He had just encountered his cousin, John the Baptist, and been acknowledged by John through Baptism.  Jesus had to personally consider his life and what he would do with the remainder of the life God would allow him.  Being fully human, Jesus had human reasons, regardless of divine reasons, for doing whatever he would do. He sorted this out as a human, and acted accordingly, fully considering the infinite ramifications of his actions.

 Just as Jesus was human, we are all human, and when life events run their course we are all faced with decisions of what we as individuals, with full autonomy over our decisions, exercising our totally free will, will do with the remainder of the life we are allowed.  We each, as individuals take stock of our assets and debts, our abilities and weaknesses, and decide what we as individuals may attempt to accomplish, in a very realistic assessment.   This does not mean that we must limit ourselves to earthly goals, as we generally have the attitude that we will live forever, however unrealistic that may be, and this attitude admits a belief in the eternal, even if we cannot justify such a belief.  So we may strive for an infinite goal, knowing full well that we have finite assets, as well as finite debts, finite abilities and limited weaknesses. Yet in the hymn “Lord of Creation”, number 498 in the Catholic Book of Worship, there is the second verse that goes:

“Lord of all power, I give you my will;
 In joyful obedience, your tasks to fulfil; 
 Your bondage is freedom, your service is song;
 and held in your keeping, my weakness is strong.”

So many people strive for goals that are beyond them, like the soldier in the trenches of World War I, who fully aware of the barrage of fire that will greet him and his compatriots, still willingly chooses to go over the top and run headlong into likely death, even if that choice is the lesser of two evils, with court martial, execution or prison the alternative to fighting.

 But for us today, having the witness and testimony of Jesus, the Apostles, the church, and many others, where are we to direct our efforts?  I proclaim that the sacred One relationship, balancing whole and part, as in a sincere marriage, and the maintenance of such a relationship, is christianity applied, and the greatest resource society and individuals can draw on.  When tempted, one should always choose marriage, or at least the local balance of whole and part, still in the light of the infinite, if marriage is not at hand.

 But as Aristotle's Golden Mean, presents the problem of always taking the middle road, begging the question if always, is that not an extreme, rather than the middle road ? Marriage may not be a balance of whole and part, and this is for the infinite, God, to decide. Nevertheless the lay of the land is that marriage will likely be the best balance of whole and part with the greatest possibility, just as forgiveness is the best choice, with the greatest possibility, yet there are always exceptions, which will require forgiveness.

 So the sacred One relationship balancing whole and part, has feasted and come to a point of decision.  It has been acknowledged by Joan, in  Matthew's Three Fold , and achieved abundance, and is now considering where to head. It could choose to continue as things are, regardless of shortcomings, in the faith that the union will bear fruit, or break the faith, and continue on a new path. This will involve deliberation, discussion and consideration, as well as action to confirm the choices as they are made.  This is where temptation comes in, and it requires thorough understanding to chart the course of this local One sacred relationship.  The twists and turns are wrenching as these two infinities dance and weave to accommodate the other, and consider their self awareness as well as their position before the infinite, both as a unit and as individuals.  What are you, as an individual, exercising your total free will, going to do?

Good Shepherd Sunday, April 29th, 2011


HESUS JOY CHRIST / Matthew's Foretold

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