Tuesday, November 22, 2011

HESUS JOY CHRIST / Matthew's Two Discussion of Verse Two


There's the website with all of it !!

Just search vid932008 on www.google.ca to see it come up first in the list.

On this site there are almost all the blog posts in an easily accessible non-linear format, as well as all the animation dating back to 2008, and most of the other artwork and poetry.


Since I get such a kick, still, out of blathering on about this stuff, here we go with a discussion of
HESUS JOY CHRIST / Matthew's Two !

Verse 2

. . .. 2 and asked, “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star in the east e and have come to worship him.”

e 2 OR star when it rose

from the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter Two, New International Version

Verse 2

. .. ... 2 and asked: “ Where is the One who has been born above all ? We have felt his joy in communion and have come to adore him .”

from the text of the animation, HESUS JOY CHRIST / Matthew's Two

written by R David Foster

Verse 2 Discussion

Who was born to be king of the Jews? The Messiah, or anointed one, was promised in scripture to the Jews. As the Messiah, he had four tasks to complete, which were, gather the people, cleanse the temple, deal with the enemies of Israel, and reign as king of all nations. In a book entitled The Real Messiah A Jewish Response to Missionaries , the case is made that Jesus of Nazareth did not accomplish any of the tasks of the Messiah. But Christians claim he accomplished all the tasks of the Messiah. Christians claim that Jesus gathered the sinners, cleansed the temple, whether the building or the bodies of the people, dealt with sin and Satan as the real enemies of Israel, and greatly ruled as king of the nations, as many western nations govern under God. Even in the United States, where there is a separation of church and state, prayers at least use to be said, in Congress and the Senate.

So this baby born in Bethlehem, was sought after to be acknowledged by Wise Men from the east, who in spite of being wise, thought the current establishment in Jerusalem would be aware of his birth. They unwittingly brought the threat on his life from Herod. In seeking to praise him they brought upon him the threat of death. This is not so uncommon an occurrence. In seeking to praise, one draws attention to the tall grass, that will cause it to be cut off.

So as king of the Jews, to rule all the nations, this is what it means to be born above all. The majestic daughters have not known any greater One, so this One is above all else.

So they saw his star in the east, and this was the guide of the wise men, to both the place and time of the birth of the anointed one. The star is the specific and the east is the context. In the animation text, the joy is the specific guide and the context is communion, whether the Eucharist or the unity of the church. The joy can be felt and can guide one as in the game where the players are either hot or cold depending on how close they are to the prize. If one feels joy they proceed until the joy passes, then they redirect themselves until the joy returns.

Adoration is a form of worship. But adoration includes personal love as well as honour and glory and blessings. The three majestic daughters are asking the church, instead of the people of Jerusalem, where the One is, so that they may adore him further. The church doesn't know. This is beyond the churches comprehension.

The One may be referred to in the third person, as masculine, since in this case it is considered other than us, as opposed to being united with us, when it would be referred to as feminine in the third person. The three majestic daughters have encountered the One, but he passes and they seek him out where they have not been. He is apart from them.

Since they felt the joy of the One in communion, they naturally ask the church where it can be found, just as the wise men from a foreign land, ask the locals where the king of the locals can be found. The church generally has no idea where the One can be found, just as King Herod has no idea where the king of the Jews can be found, as he considers himself King of the Jews, and the church believes it has the highest and greatest joy. This joy that the majestic daughters have encountered is considered foreign to the church, just as any other king is considered a threat to Herod.

Another understanding is that as the three majestic daughters come to know the One, their adoration of the One grows, or rather they come to adore him.

This whole scene is like a child asking their parent a confounding question. A question such as “Where do babies come from?” can confound a parent who strains to answer the child both honestly and in a way they can understand, as well as present the appropriate attitude with which the child should approach sex and birth.

Finally, God save whoever bears a temptation to the majestic daughters of communion. The head of the household will take action against anyone who bears an alternative to their authority, just as King Herod seeks the death of any child considered as born to be king of the Jews. It does not matter that the bearer or child is only a part of all that is to come, they must be eliminated as they are the means by which it will come. The action of Herod is against God, and the baby Jesus is only the means by which God comes, and therefore the target of Herod. Likewise, the means by which the One comes will be the target of the head of the household, and the head of the household, as well as the church, may choose to act against God by acting against the bearer of the One. The One may be considered to be God, as it is an infinite source, but God is unfathomable and undefinable, so any image of God, such as a One, is not God, but rather only another image of God. God does not live in the Sistine Chapel any more than He lives anywhere else, but there is an image of God on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.


Feast of Christ the King, Sunday, November 20th, 2011


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