Monday, March 19, 2012

HESUS JOY CHRIST / Matthew's Two Discussion of Verse 19

There's the website with all of it !!

Just search vid932008 on to see it come up first in the list.

On this site there are almost all the blog posts in an easily accessible non-linear format, as well as all the animation dating back to 2008, and most of the other artwork and poetry.


Since I get such a kick, still, out of blathering on about this stuff, here's the continuation of the discussion of HESUS JOY CHRIST / Matthew's Two !

Verse 19
The Return to Nazareth
19After Herod had died, an angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph in Egypt . .. …

from the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter Two, New International Version

Verse 19
The Return to Nativity
19After the head was reborn, an angel appeared before father in a dream . .. …

from the text of the animation, HESUS JOY CHRIST / Matthew's Two
written by R David Foster

Verse 19 Discussion

Herod persisted in his rebellion against God, to maintain his authority as the sole ruler of Israel, and did not entertain any other ruler, be it a “soul” ruler or not !

The Jewish historian Flavius Josephus, is quoted by Eusebius, in The Church History . Eusebius states that as well as murdering his wife, children, relatives and friends, Herod became gravely ill, with worms breeding in his genitals, as well as many other illnesses, and quoting Josephus, Eusebius writes that Herod clung to life, desperately seeking baths to cure himself, but to no avail. Realizing he was dying, Herod gave 50 drachmas to each of his soldiers, larger sums to his officers and friends, and commanded that eminent men from every village in Judea be assembled in the hippodrome, to be executed upon his death, so that, vainly, all Judea would mourn Herod's death.

Where Herod persisted unto his own death, in the animation text, the head of the household is reborn, enduring the death of their perception and world through to the beginning of a new and greater world. Those are the only two paths there are to choose from – death without accepting forgiveness, or death accepting forgiveness, and the death accepting forgiveness leads to rebirth and new life.

Some may say repentance is the way to salvation, but without fully understanding why one strays from the law, one is doomed to re-offend. Instead, when one is certain that the law under which they offend, is lacking, then they persist to their death under that law, and place their hope in a new life beyond that limited law. Nowadays, when everyone hopes for a life in heaven beyond the grave, this is what they are doing – hoping for a less limited law of life and death.

Apparently Herod neither repented nor hoped for a new life under a greater law. He hoped for earthly rewards, the mourning of Judea, and the benevolence of those he benefited, beyond his death. I'm sure there must be some way he might have justified himself, but few are interested in that. Nevertheless, if he were to accept forgiveness he would be forgiven. And so, continuing to rebel by not accepting forgiveness, he has his relief from life, and lives no more.

So the head of the household, may maintain their authority, where it is due, but has somehow changed so as to allow the sacred One relationship to return, in a new nativity. This opportunity was present to Herod as well, although he may have suffered execution if he entertained challenges to his authority, and the head of the household takes the same risk, by allowing any challenge to their authority. This, as well as the end of their perception of the world, is the death they must accept in order to be reborn. It is as real as any other death, full of anxiety and fear, as they submit themselves entirely to another in order to be transformed into a new person. This submitting oneself to another is only possible by the grace of God, and cannot be accomplished by anyone on their own. It is grace that saves, not merits.

So then why did God not grant grace to Herod ? The answer is that He did grant grace to Herod, but Herod did not accept it. This is the difference between a sinner and a saint. A sinner does not allow God into their life, claiming and clinging to the fact that they are a sinner. A saint, which only means one that the church declares is in heaven, is a sinner that does allow God into their life, claiming the grace He offers them in spite of their being a sinner.

We are all sinners, and that doesn't change, but we can regret our sins and claim the forgiveness offered. Why are we all sinners ? We are all limited in that we each fall short of perfection, as no one rose is perfect, but the perception of perfect can be obtained by observing many roses. Our limitations are our sins. We cannot escape our limitations, but we may overcome them by seeking the infinite purpose and taking up the opportunities that present themselves to us, in our life of faith, devoted to the most infinite purpose we can muster. This is the Joy of life, being a limited being in an unlimited infinite world. This itself is another union of the One and the Many, of female and male, and as such a balance of whole and part, renders true Joy to the participants.

So an angel appeared before father in a dream, the masculine nurturer of this specific romantic incidence of the balance of whole and part, the sacred One relationship. This would be what he longed for, and joyous news. But still, he must act on only a dream, and take a risk that cannot be taken lightly, with only a dream to justify such action. This is the life of faith, listening and watching for opportunities and acting on them. Most likely, no reasonable person would trust a fact on a dream, but rather trust the resolve that a dream may provide, and move forward based on that resolve, rather than the dream, looking for corroboration as one proceeds, cautiously but boldly.

Finally, it is our limitations, our sins as individuals, that slay Jesus - the manifestation of the balance of whole and part, and the realization of this brings the head of the household to their knees, before the object of their worship, the Son and the Father and the Holy Spirit, the knowledge of Being, Being, and the love of Being.


Sunday, March 18th, 2012


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